中图分类号:TK01+9;P618.13 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-7676 (2011) 04-0004-05
Analysis on Development Prospect and Countermeasures
of the Shale Gas Industry in Jiangxi Province
ZHONG Zhi-yong1, WEN Zhi-hua2
(1. Huaneng Company Jiangxi Branch, Nanchang 330029, China;
2. Huaneng Ruijin Power Plant, Ganzhou 341108, Jiangxi, China)
Abstract: According to the shale gas development status at home and abroad, and the geological tectonic situation of Jiangxi
Province, the development prospect of the shale gas industry in Jiangxi Province is analyzed, and the conclusion show that the
Northeast Jiangxi area of lower Yangtze region and Pingle sag area has a good prospect of shale gas development. The
scientific development countermeasures of shale gas industry in Jiangxi are advanced, including formulate strategic
development plan of shale gas industry, breakthrough the key technologies of its development and application, providing
some support policies and regulate its exploration and development program, and so on.
Key words: shale gas; development; prospect; countermeasure; Jiangxi Province
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