Adding User Datums
OziExplorer can use up to 10 user defined datums.
To add User Datums to OziExplorer you need to do the following.
If it doesn't already exist Create a text file called datums.dat in the OziExplorer directory. OziExplorer will read this file the next time it is run, the user datums will always be added to the bottom of the list.
Within this file add the following line or lines (if more than 1 datum is to be added).
The format of the line is as follows :
Datum name , Ellipsoid number , dx , dy , dz
Datum name - Any name you want to enter
Ellipsoid number - All datums have a reference ellipsoid, choose the number from the list below. If the ellipsoid is not in this list then you cannot add the datum, you need to contact the author of OziExplorer and have the ellipsoid added into the code.
dx,dy,dz - these must be known for the particular datum you are entering.
A comma must be used between all the fields.
Example - A line in the file may look something like this