ArcGIS 9.4版本于本月正式更名为ArcGIS 10!
ArcGIS 10代表了ArcGIS最新最主要的所有产品,目的就是为了帮助用户提高GIS工作效率。以下列出了新版本的一些要点
Perform. Your ArcGIS Desktop Work More Efficiently
* Faster, more responsive drawing performance including smooth, continuous panning of your data
* Easier access to most commonly used geoprocessing tools
* New Search window in ArcMap to let you quickly locate maps, data, and tools
* Catalog window built into ArcMap for quick data access
* Easier and faster ways to find and use symbols and tools
* Auto hide and dockable windows (e.g., table of contents) so your focus remains on the map
* Ability to execute geoprocessing in the background, allowing you to continue to interact with your map
* Automation of additional workflows with Python (maps and layers)
* Easy-to-use Web APIs and software developer kits (SDKs)
* Single-line simplified geocoding
Save Time on Map Creation and Production
* New geoprocessing tools for multiscale map creation (reduce feature count, complexity, and conflicts)
* Support for layouts with multiple pages for producing map books, including PDFs
* Dynamic layout of text elements (title, date, page number, etc.)
* Map templates for high-quality map generation on the desktop and the Web
* Optimized map service (introduced in 9.3.1) supporting cartographic representations and Maplex labeling authored in ArcMap
* New compact cache format facilitating the creation and management of large map caches
* Enhanced integration of ArcGIS Server with ArcGIS Desktop for map production via geoprocessing services and Python
Manage and Create Data More Easily
* Open access to the geodatabase
* Integration of a new window in ArcMap to simplify project management and collaboration
* New Query layers that allow you to access all data (including spatial data) stored in relational databases via standard SQL
Access Improved 2D and 3D Editing and Design with Desktop, Mobile, and Web Clients
* New sketch-based editing so you can choose from a customizable on-screen palette of features in desktop and Web clients
* Easier access to common editing tools in ArcMap, ArcScene, and ArcGlobe
* Ability to edit the geodatabase over the Web with the new Feature Editing Service
* New customizable ArcGIS Mobile application for mobile and Tablet PC devices
Experience New Ways to Share
* Tight integration with ArcGIS Online search and sharing application
* Easy to create and distribute projects that may include data, layers, maps, tools, scenes, globes, diagrams, and add-ins
* Easier to share and organize geographic data on the enterprise through the new Search service in ArcGIS Server
Perform. Better Analysis and Modeling
* Improved geoprocessing framework
o ModelBuilder now supporting undo/redo, iterators, and ToolTips
o Improved map algebra with Python support
* New Fuzzy Overlay and Fuzzy Reclassify tools for better site selection and suitability modeling
* Location/Allocation modeling of network datasets
* New tools for image classification for easier collection and evaluation of training samples
* New ecological sampling design tools accommodating user-defined spatial criteria
* New types of graphs for visualizing analysis results
* New Unicode-aware geocoding engine supporting international languages and more flexible address entry and matching
Access Improved 3D GIS Environment
* Improved 3D data management and creation
* New 3D editing tools in ArcScene and ArcGlobe
* Additional 3D analysis and visualization tools
* Included templates and best practices for creating virtual cities
Create, Manage, and Visualize Time-Aware Data
* Creation and management of time-based data
* Can display and animate temporal datasets
* Can publish and query temporal map services
Find Tighter Integration of Imagery with ArcGIS
* Fast, dynamic raster display
* Web API access to image services
* On-the-fly processing and mosaicking
Use Improved Map Services
* New compact cache for easier management of large map caches
* Enhanced optimized map services support for advanced ArcGIS cartography
Access Enhanced Configurable Web Mapping Applications
* New, out-of-the-box configurable Web mapping application for ArcGIS Server
Perform. Simplified Mobile Project Management
* New capability to deploy out-of-the-box ArcGIS Mobile projects to in-vehicle and tablet-based PCs
* Enhanced data collection experience with streaming GPS, photo attachments, and location tracking for ArcGIS Mobile applications
* Can quickly configure mobile projects using the new Mobile Project Center to simplify the deployment of projects
* Extended SDK enabling developers to create extensions to ESRI-provided out-of-the-box ArcGIS Mobile applications
Easily Install and Manage ArcGIS Desktop Licenses
* Ability to check out shared ArcGIS Desktop 10 licenses on a different computer (i.e., field units, home machine, or other machine) for temporary use in a controlled environment
ArcGIS 10 beta 版已经发布。ArcGIS 10 计划将于今年的第二季度正式问世,敬请期待! |