3DMark 11 is the latest version of the world’s most popular benchmark. Designed to measure your PC’s gaming performance 3DMark 11 makes extensive use of all the new features in DirectX 11 including tessellation, compute shaders and multi-threading. Trusted by gamers worldwide to give accurate and unbiased results, 3DMark 11 is the best way to consistently and reliably test DirectX 11 under game-like loads. Benchmark presets offer a convenient way of scaling the benchmark load to provide relevant results for all levels of hardware. These pre-selected combinations of settings represent successively more advanced levels of visual quality. When running 3DMark 11 with one of the presets selected, the benchmark produces a score for that preset. The 3DMark score is calculated differently for each preset which means that scores are not comparable across different presets.
Download : 3DMark.11.Pro.v1.0.Incl.Keymaker.WIKILEAKS.FTW-CORE |