Foxit Phantom是一款为企业准备的专业PDF电子文档套件,运行速度快捷、简单易用且价格实惠。该软件功能十分齐全,您可以用它来创建专业的PDF文档,让您的商务办公更加简单流畅。
Version 2.1
 [li]OCR Text Recognition(OCR文本识别)
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) support makes scanned or image-based PDFs selectable and searchable.[/li]
[li]Header & Footer, Watermark & Background to PDFs(添加页眉,页脚,水印和背景到PDF)
Enhance your PDFs by adding Header/Footer, Watermark/Background to them.[/li]  [li]Digital Signature Field Management(数字签名域管理)
Enable PDF’s author to create blank digital signature fields for reviewers’ to sign.[/li]  [li]Bookmark Creation when Combining PDFs(合并PDF时创建书签)
Use original file name as a bookmark when combining multiple files into a single PDF for ease of navigation
 [li]PDF Specification Selection When Creating PDF(创建PDF时可选择PDF版本)
Choose desired PDF reference version anywhere from 1.3 to 1.7.[/li]  [li]Search in Comments and Bookmarks(搜索注释和书签)
The key words in comments and bookmarks are included in the search when you search in PDFs[/li]  [li]Improved Stamp Tool (改进图章工具)
Set opa**y and transparency of selected images when creating customized stamps[/li]