AnyBizSoft PDF Converter是一个专业PDF转换器,支持将PDF转换为Word(DOC/DOCX)、PowerPoint(PPT/PPTX)、Excel(XLS/XLSX)、HTML、TXT等格式,经测试对中文字符(简繁中文)支持良好,转换效果也不错,能够保存原有PDF的页面布局、图片、超链接等信息;对于加密或密码保护的PDF文件,AnyBizSoft PDF Converter也能轻松转换。
感觉AnyBizSoft是最近“声名鹊起”的一个公司,前段时间全世界首发了PDF转换PPT软件,而AnyBizSoft PDF Converter则同时支持转换PDF为Word、PPT或Excel文件,有需要的可以下载试用,当前版本AnyBizSoft PDF Converter v2.0,该版本有较大变化,如集成PDF转换Excel功能、无需安装Microsoft Office即可转换、自动识别表格等,推荐更新;而作为PDF转换软件厂商,免费的AnyBizSoft PDF to Text也是必须的了。
>Email: giveaway@anybizsoft.com
>Code: C42205291B9347C8F81F
注意Vista/Windows 7必须右键以管理员权限运行PDFConverter.exe,否则安装会失败;AnyBizSoft PDF Converter理论支持全系列版本的Office(我在Office 2010下测试通过)。
AnyBizSoft PDF Converter is an easy-to-use program, which is specially designed for converting PDF files to Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, HTML, and Text documents. Just with a few clicks, you can convert your PDF files into your targeted format at an amazing speed.
The original layout, text, images, and hyperlinks can be exactly retained in the generated Word, PowerPoint and HTML documents. And all the text content in PDF files can be extracted into Text documents for further usage.
With AnyBizSoft PDF Converter, you can import as many as 200 PDF files for one batch conversion. It also allows you to select any pages from a PDF file to convert.
What's new on version 2.0.0:
1. Integrate PDF to Excel Converter;
2. Don't require Microsoft Office Word and Excel to be installed;
3. Support table recognition in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint;
4. Support both text and image hyperlinks;
5. Export images from PDF files with higher quality and accuracy.
(3 KB, 下载次数: 31)