地质AutoCAD 图件转换成mapgis
【摘要】针对作为国土资源部门在资料汇交时要求提交利用MAPGIS 软件编制的图件,虽然该软件的功能强大,但在图件的编辑上远不
如AutoCAD 软件方便快捷;同时,目前还有大量以AutoCAD 格式存储的地质图件,需重新绘制成MAPGIS 图件,浪费了大量的人力物力等问
题。开展了将地质AutoCAD 图件转换成MAPGIS 图件的研究工作,研究发现地质AutoCAD 图件不仅能够转换成MAPGIS 图件,并且能够加快
【关键词】AutoCAD 软件;MAPGIS 软件;地质图件
Feasibility Development of AutoCAD Maps into MAPGIS Maps
WANG Cheng-chun ZHAO Bao-liang
(Mining Institute of Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin Liaoning, 123000)
【Abstract】Departments of land and resources requirements submiting material uses MAPGIS,but MAPGIS is not convenient as AUTOCAD.And
many of the maps of AutoCAD needs to conversion into maps of MAPGIS.It is a wasting of people ’s hard work.The work about conversion AutoCAD
Maps into MAPGIS Maps is meaningful.
【Key words】AutoCAD; MAPGIS; Geological maps |