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Technology Research on the Constructing and Incision Analysis of 3D Geological Fault Structure Model
论文导师 刘修国,论文学位 硕士,论文专业 地图制图学与地理信息工程
论文单位 中国地质大学,点击次数 6,论文页数 53页File Size3102K
2006-05-01论文网 http://www.lw23.com/lunwen_940589002/
3D geological modeling;structure model;wire-frame model;directed block;incision analysis
三维地质建模在20世纪90年代初期开始为人类所重视,并逐渐成为数学地质、石油勘探、岩土工程、GIS和科学计算可视化领域的研究与应用热点。三维地质建模包括两类模型的构建:三维地质结构模型的构建和三维地质属性模型的构建,通常在建立结构模型的基础上建立属性模型。当前简单层状地质体结构模型的构建已经有了比较成熟的解决方法,而断层结构模型的构建则是三维地质结构建模的难点及关键所在,也是当前相关学者的研究热点。三维断层结构模型的构建面临两个主要的困难:一是适合断层构造的三维空间数据模型的设计,二是三维断层结构模型的构建方法。 本论文以“城市地质调查项目”为课题背景,在研究城市地质数据的特点的基础上,实现了对多源城市地质数据的管理,基于此论文针对断层构造的特点,设计了三维断层结构的数据模型—线框架模型,系统地给出了该模型的构成元素的详细定义及数据结构,该模型不仅可有效描述断层结构模型的几何和拓扑,而且有利于模型快速、有效的构建。然后本论文基于线框架模型,详细论述了三维地质断层结构模型的构建方法,对方向弧段、方向子面、方向块体的构建都进行了详细的讨论,解决了构建过程中的一些关键算法,如由方向子面到方向块体的构建算法,该算法可实现由任意的空间曲面向空间块体的转换;基于空间三角网切割算法TriCut,实现了对前面构建的复杂断层结构模型的切割分析,着重论述了基于空间三角网切割算法TriCut的单个块体的剖面生成算法,并基于该算法实现了对模型的任意切割,包括模型的平面剖面图、立体剖面图、剖面栅状图的生成及直线切割、折线切割、组合切割、基坑开挖、隧道模拟等切割功能的实现。最后给出了论文的结论及展望。 实践表明,“线框架模型”可有效描述断层地质构造,可方便的实现模型拓扑查询功能;基于线框架模型的构模方法将地质面的相交关系的处理在地质面的三角网形成之前进行处理,将面、面之间的切割操作简化为线之间的处理操作,这种方法不仅有效的减轻了构模的复杂程度,而且由于在构网时将形成的交线作为约束信息参与地质面的构建,有效的保证了地质面之间的相交关系的正确性。 本论文的研究成果在理论上能够指导我国正在蓬勃发展的数字化地理空间基础框架建设,在实践上可为特定地区的“数字城市”、“数字国土”、“数字矿山”具体应用提供可行的解决方案或积累经验。
In the nines of the twentieth century,people began to pay attention to 3D geological modeling,and gradually,this technology became to be focused on by people in the field of Mathematics geology,Petro!eum proving,Rock engineering,GIS and Visualization in Scientific Computing.3D geological modeling will build two types of models including 3D geological structure model and 3D geological attribute model. As a rule,the building of attribute model depends on the building of structure model. Now simple layer geological entities" modeling technology is already solved ripely,but fault structure modeling is the key problem and difficulty of 3D geological structure modeling,it is also the nowadays researching focus of correlative scholars.3D fault structure modeling faces mainly two difficulties,One is the design of the 3D spatial data model which fit to the 3D geological fault structure model,the other is the method of building the model.This paper takes "the project of city geology survey " as background .studying the chararcteristic of city geology data and then achieving the management to city geology data. On the management basis and the characteristic of fault constructure,this paper devises a new 3D spatial date model which is stated as wire-frame model and define systematically the fundamental elements and data structure,The wire-frame model can not only describe effectively the geometry and topology of the fault strcture model,but also avail to build the model rapidly and effectively.Then basing on the wire-frame model ,this paper dissertates in detail the mehold of constructing 3D fault structure model including the building of directed arx, directed face, directed block.,Some key algorithms have been solved such as the constructing algorithm from the faces to blocks,this algorithm can implement the conversation from the arbitrary spatial directed faces to directed blocks.In the last part of this paper,the author also discusses space triangle net incision algorithm-tricut, and basing on this algorithm, realize the incision on the 3D geological structure model. This part pays emphases on the algorithm implement of plane section for one block ,and basing on the algorithm,these functions such as the creation of plane section,folded section and the implement of beeline incision,foldline incision, combination incision,digging pit, tunnel modeling have been carried out.Practice has prove that the wire-frame can describe effectively the fault geology constructure,can implement the query in relation to topology. The method which base the wire-frame model treats with the intersection processing before the geological face triangle nets have been builded, simplify the incision between two faces to management among lines.This |