'如有问题,请和我联系 yz_zhang@263.net(张玉洲)
Dim m_TempLayer As Layer '导航图上临时图层
Dim m_Fea As MapXLib.Feature '导航图上反映主地图窗口位置的Feature
Dim bDown As Boolean '鼠标在导航图上按下的标志
Private Sub CmdPan_Click()
Map1.CurrentTool = miPanTool
End Sub
Private Sub CmdZoomIn_Click()
Map1.CurrentTool = miZoomInTool
End Sub
Private Sub CmdZoomOut_Click()
Map1.CurrentTool = miZoomOutTool
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set m_TempLayer = Map2.Layers.CreateLayer("wewew"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Set m_Fea = Nothing
Set m_TempLayer = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Map1_MapViewChanged()
Dim tempFea As MapXLib.Feature
Dim tempPnts As MapXLib.Points
Dim tempStyle As MapXLib.Style
If m_TempLayer.AllFeatures.Count = 0 Then '矩形边框还没有
Set tempStyle = New MapXLib.Style
tempStyle.RegionPattern = miPatternNoFill
tempStyle.RegionBorderColor = 255
tempStyle.RegionBorderWidth = 2
Set tempFea = Map2.FeatureFactory.CreateRegion(Map1.Bounds, tempStyle)
Set m_Fea = m_TempLayer.AddFeature(tempFea)
Set tempStyle = Nothing
Else '根据Map1的视野变化改变矩形边框的大小和位置
With m_Fea.Parts.Item(1)
.AddXY Map1.Bounds.XMin, Map1.Bounds.YMin
.AddXY Map1.Bounds.XMax, Map1.Bounds.YMin
.AddXY Map1.Bounds.XMax, Map1.Bounds.YMax
.AddXY Map1.Bounds.XMin, Map1.Bounds.YMax
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Map2_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim MapX As Double
Dim MapY As Double
bDown = True
Map2.ConvertCoord X, Y, MapX, MapY, miScreenToMap
Map1.CenterX = MapX
Map1.CenterY = MapY
End Sub
Private Sub Map2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim MapX As Double
Dim MapY As Double
If bDown Then
Map2.ConvertCoord X, Y, MapX, MapY, miScreenToMap
Map1.CenterX = MapX
Map1.CenterY = MapY
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Map2_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
bDown = False
End Sub |